Friday, October 21, 2011

The Chicago Dragons

Tomorrow is our last game of the season. I am feeling strong and am ready to go. It is a bit bittersweet. The season has not been a great success in terms of tries and victories but I think we are a more cohesive team than we were in the spring and the progression the team has made collectively over the season has been impressive and a source of pride.

The Dragons share the bottom rung of the league with us and all of our competition says we should be able to beat them. This makes this game an important psychological game. If we win we close out the season on a strong note, filled with pride in developing into winners and looking forward to the spring. However, a loss will be crushing, knowing that we are the worst of the pack and our collective growth still is not good enough.

Individually, I am looking forward to this game because my season has been lackluster despite the fact my play has been much improved over the past seasons. I have a sense of nervousness sitting in my lower stomach. This match is more than just a game but a validation of my individual effort as well as the collective growth of the team.

Tomorrow is GAME DAY!

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