Friday, April 30, 2010

Rip Van Rookie

I don't want to belabor the age thing but I have to relay an experience I had during practice a few weeks ago. We have practices on Tue and Thur. During a Thur practice a few weeks ago I was warming up with a young flanker on the team. My legs were extremely tight and tired from Tuesday's practice. I told him the difference between being 30 and 40 was that at age 30 it would take we a day to recover from a hard practice, whereas, now it seemed to take me a week. My teammate looked at me and asked "how old are you?" I told him "40". With which he incredulously replied, "Dude, My Dad is 40."
So as I sit here an type with my ankle on ice and my swollen finger gingerly avoiding the keyboard I take comfort in the fact that instead of being the guy making excuses as to why I am too old to try something new, I am out there pushing myself. Maybe 22 years from now he will remember me and try something new, exciting, and challenging.

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