Saturday, April 9, 2011

A New Season!!

The Gladiators (the team I play for) had there first outdoor practice this week. I don't know if it was the trill of getting back on the pitch with the guys after a year or finally being outside after a long Mid-West winter but the experience was almost euphoric. I was surprised by how much I had forgotten because I have spent this winter obsessing about getting a chance to play again. However, I performed well and definitely played with more confidence. It is amazing what a little confidence can do to a person. I think knowing the guys on the team and finally understanding the rules of the game enabled me to be a bit more relaxed and sure of what I was doing. I find it rather funny that after one season and three games played (caps) for the Gladiators that I am considered a veteran, one of the Ole guys. Another dynamic that assists in my new found confidence is the fact that I have personally recruited six members of the team from my job. Since I am their direct boss at work and know their level of experience I am automatically more comfortable with being a leader. In turn I think they are more comfortable to have me to turn to and watch. Having my co-workers beside me creates a team within a team. This is not in a cliquish dynamic, but rather a feeling a familiarity that I did not have last year when I tried to break into the team. After practice we consolidated the old guys with the new guys with a round of beers and some pizza. Yes, it is going to be a good season, win, lose, or draw.

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