Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not ready for Prime Time Sports Writer

Since the season began I have been in contact with the local paper trying to drum up support for my beloved Rugby club. They have been responsive, even to the extent of sending their Sports Editor and his son to cover the season’s first game. This Saturday I invited them again but they did not show. So I took matters in hand and wrote a short summary of the game and made an appeal to the reader to come and join us on the pitch.

I have been working diligently to recruit players from work. My efforts have given the team 5 starters including myself. You can count a 6th player indirectly as one of the guys I recruited brought one of our former colleagues to play. As a result of my efforts I have been put in charge of the recruiting effort for the fall season. I guess the four intense years as a Marine Corps recruiter in San Antonio, TX will now pay off. I am excited to try my hand at building a team. This especially exciting because it is in a sport that I knew very little about a year ago.

I like to think it is a one of those little life’s motivational truths that armed with a vision and drive you can achieve anything in life. Of course, it is easy to say that now, I haven’t done anything yet other than talk to a few people at work and write one article; but it’s a damn good start if I can say so myself. Who knows, maybe this blog will go from being a personal outlet to viral therapy for the masses? For now I will settle for the satisfaction of the small success of being in the local paper. Heck even Skip Bayless had to start somewhere.

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