Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall Season Opener V Woodsmen

It has been awhile since I have written on this page. I should probably talk about the Rugby World Cup and write a discourse on the victory/loss the U.S. Eagles had versus the Irish or the underdog victory by the Irish over the Australian Wallabies (favored by many to win the Earl Ellis Cup), or the hard-fought victory by the U.S. over Russia. However, Saturday was the start of my third season with the Lake County Gladiators. I should have been adding to this Blog while getting ready for the season. Unfortunately, I have spent more time doing everything but Rugby. Quite honestly, it showed after the first 25 minutes on the pitch.

Playing our cross-town rivals the Schaumburg Woodsmen, we had a lot of new blood on the field; including two new guys from my work, which I worked hard to recruit (We had a total of 5 from my unit, including myself). They, on the other hand, are a proven and experienced team. They also have a number of former Gladiators on their starting squad. This made for aggressive play and hard hitting. For the first 25 minutes of the game we gave them a fight. Although the dominated the possession time our defense held time and time again. We may have bent but we never broke. I had a few bonehead plays like reaching in and playing the ball from the ground but neither had adverse effect on the score.

On the other hand I had a great hit on a guy who was easily 30 lbs heavier than I. He was a large ginger haired dude with a red beard. He looked like his profession could have actually been a “woodsmen”. He thought he could bowl me over with size but I went as low as my 42-year-old body could go and aimed my face cheek to his ass cheek. 185 lbs with momentum impacting below someone’s center of gravity will always have the desired effect. He lifted off the ground and went heels-over-head landing with a thud. I felt like I had made the highlight film of the World Cup. However, moments later, as I was rolling out of the way I caught a knee or a head in my upper back from the forming ruck.

Several minutes after my hit we made our first and only drive into their territory in the first half. Unfortunately they gained the ball back and used their speed and the breakdown of our transition to defense to score their first try with a succession of good passes and inspired runs. This first score opened the flood games to the Woodsmen scoring machine they scored three successive tries before I pulled myself. I was winded and not able to make it to the rucks or back on defense after they broke our gain-line. I also wanted one of my co-workers to get in his first game (His wife and friends came to see him play- I figured the more he played- the more he would love the game and I would have a convert for life).

I wish I could report that the fresh legs and injection of enthusiasm turned the tied but the Woodsmen scored again before the end of the first half. I sat the second half as the Woodsmen scored another two tries. However, it was mid-way through the second half when our offense started to click. After a penalty lineout, the Gladiator front pushed inside our 5 meter-line. Vinny, at the Scrumhalf, took the ball around the ruck an in for our first score. About 15-20 minutes later we scored again on a textbook play. We won a ruck and immediately passed the ball out to the backs. Josh Sanchez (one of my recruits from work) received the ball and proceeded to sprint to the try-line. Only one defender stood between him and 5 points. The defender tried to tackle Josh high (bad idea since Josh had at least 15 lbs on him). Mr. Sanchez lowered his shoulder and sent the defender flying backwards as he strutted across the line for our second and final score.

The play made was a sign that we can compete with the best in our league. As our new players gain experience and the team jells we may just win a few. The older players were happy, for once, and acted as if we had won despite the lopsided score. I was pleased that two of my recruits played all 80 minutes, got a try, and played a heck of a game. My other two recruits played at least 40 minutes, not counting Luis Gonzalez’s time in the sin bin for diving over the pile (which resulted in the final Woodsmen score).

The play of the team in our first contest, against a proven playoff quality Division II team is a lot to be proud about. Especially, since 3 weeks prior we only had 6 guys at practice. Looking towards the future there is much to be hopeful about. I just hope my swollen and sore body stops aching by Thursday’s practice, or at least by Saturday’s game versus the Rockford Ravens.

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